
Lancement des nouveaux produits boursiers du Moyen-Orient

Cher client, Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que STARTRADER lancera des nouveaux produits boursiers du Moyen-Orient le 24 mars 2025, conçus…

9 hours ago

Important Notice: Historical Data Compression for Cent Accounts on Live 1 and Live 2 Server

Dear Valued Clients, To enhance your trading experience, we will be performing a historical data compression for all Cent Accounts…

1 week ago

Important Notice: Upcoming Server Upgrade for STARTRADER

Dear Valued Client, We are pleased to inform you that STARTRADER will be upgrading its servers to deliver an improved…

1 week ago

Rollover Notification in March

Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that the following CFD instruments will be automatically rolled over as per the dates…

1 week ago

Trading Hours Adjustment for Upcoming US Daylight Saving

Dear Valued Client, Please be informed that the trading hours for the following products will be adjusted in response to…

2 weeks ago

Annonce de mise à niveau de Mon Compte

Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer que STARTRADER "Mon Compte" est prévu pour des mises à niveau système le 8 mars…

2 weeks ago

Important Notice: Market Closure in March

Dear Valued Clients, Please be advised that the following instruments' trading hours and market session times will be affected by…

3 weeks ago

Informations importantes : Fermeture du marché en février

Chers clients, Veuillez noter que les heures de négociation et les heures de session du marché des instruments suivants seront…

1 month ago

Notification de roulement en février

Cher client, Veuillez noter que les instruments CFD suivants seront automatiquement reconduits selon les dates du tableau ci-dessous. Comme il…

1 month ago

Market Closure in January

Dear Valued Clients, Please be advised that the following instruments' trading hours and market session times will be affected by…

2 months ago